Friday, October 21, 2011

Why Is Breakfast Important?

After another energizing workout this morning, I packed my breakfast and lunch and headed off to work. I usually have breakfast there, about an hour and a half after waking. Now while on the way to work, I was deep in conversation with a "special" friend ;). He was at home and getting ready to head to the gym. After asking if he had eaten yet, his response was "No". Now for the life of me, I don't know how some people go two or three hours without eating in the mornings. I am literally ravenous having waiting to get to the office, especially since I started working out. But, back to the story, he tells me he just doesn't have an appetite and if he eats something, he'll get nauseous during his workouts. I recommended that he could try something as small as a fruit that is light enough to not affect his workouts but still supplied him with some amount to energy (I think when I use the word breakfast people think I mean a plate full of food). He says he only needs water. And get this: he usually gets up at 6:00 a.m., heads to his hour-long class, then back home and then out again to the gym. His workouts are usually an hour long. So he goes at least three and a half hours without having any food in the mornings. He wanted proof. Now, since I don't walk around with nutrition texts just for the fun of it, I couldn't show him that more than anything, the brain needs its supply of glucose (and he wouldn't take my word for it). Now, this is for you, "friend";)...

PRIMARY Reason we need breakfast:

  • Your body is running on empty: Say, we refrain from late night eating and allow the recommended 2-3 hours to pass before heading to bed. By then our bodies would have used up some of the energy with the excess being stored in our liver as glycogen. During sleep, our bodies uses up most, if not all, the glycogen has been used up. When all glycogen stores are used up, your body usually turns to fat to supply its energy needs. You'd think that's awesome right? Not exactly. See, the brain can only use glucose as fuel and unlike muscles, the brain doesn't store glucose. So what happens when the brain is deprived of its glucose? Irritability, nervousness, anxiety, headaches, weakness, seizure and coma, just to name a few. In other words, the brain is screaming: FEED ME!!!!
So for those of you, like my "special" friend, who get nauseous eating so early or before a workout, have at least 25g of carbohydrate, like a small banana, that's only 100 calories. The benefits? Better workouts. Since you're not running on empty, the intensity and quality of your sessions will result in increased fitness. Afterward, you can have a more substantial meal. See? Now that wasn't so hard :D?

I'll let you know how it works for my "special" friend!!! Until next time!

Pre-Workout Fuel:

Potassium found in bananas helps in maintaining proper nerve and muscle function.

Trail mix is a great source of phosphorous and zinc which supports muscle growth, boosts energy and speeds up muscle healing. Just beware of the portions!

Magnesium found in yogurt gives you an energy boost by activating enzymes that metabolize protein and carbohydrates. 

Though its not good to have fats before workouts, the monounsaturated fatty acids found in almonds and other nuts provide essential energy-boosting omega -3's and omega-6's. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Kick I Needed!

So I've recently decided that I am going to embark on a fitness and wellness lifestyle change. It wasn't because I wanted to lose much weight or anything but because I realized that I was lacking energy and had become dissatisfied with food (either I'm always craving something usually unhealthy and when I do get, I'm still not satisfied). I reasoned it must be because I'm not really eating food that nourished my body, but just junk, or empty calories. No wonder my body kept craving something. So I knew I had to do better (as if the fact that I studied nutrition in college wasn't reason enough).

Having arrived to that conclusion, of course I know taking better care of myself included not just my oral fixation but also my activity level. I know exercise does a bod wonders but, much like eating fruits and veggies and getting check up from the physician, I overlook it until things get bad and its time for damage control. Yah! So exercise for me has always been sporadic than routine. The longest I've stuck to a routine is three weeks. I always come up with excuses that I'm too tired after work, I don't get enough sleep at night to sacrifice half hour in the mornings...and the list goes on. But last night, thanks to my lovely and fit roommate, I got the kick I needed. I was getting ready for bed when she noticed as she said, "Yuh gettin broad deh tho, Dee!" This she meant as a compliment since a little junk in the trunk is always good. She confirmed what I was feeling. Sure she tried to allay my fears of weight gain but regardless of whether I had gained weight or not, I knew I needed to get serious about my eating habits and fitness. No more excuses!

So this morning, with much effort, I dragged myself out of bed this morning and did thirty minutes of cardio while I cooked. At first, the routine kinda dragged but about 15 minutes into it I started to remember why morning workouts are so good. I felt more invigorated and pleased with myself that I actually made the effort. I really enjoyed the fact that there was minimal distraction, just peace and quiet (outside of my panting and grunts). Needless to say, I will be striving to make this routine. Wish me all the best!

P.S. Another plus: I'm in a great mood!!:D Con: Forgot morning workouts equals damp hair :-/