Friday, May 18, 2012

The Glow Diet: Part IV (Finale)

The Glow Diet: Part IV (Finale)

Vitamin E

This antioxidant, also known by its scientific name tocopherol, is another fundamental component for the war against aging skin. Vitamin E helps prevent damage caused by UV rays. According to a study in the journal Free Radical Biology & Medicine, it does this by reducing the production of an enzyme, collagenase, which breaks down collagen, causing the skin to sag and wrinkle. Even more reason to beware of the sun, exposure can actually deplete vitamin E from the skin, making it more vulnerable to sun damage. Be sure to look for skin-care products that contain this vital antioxidant.

Vitamin E is especially sensitive to air so its important that oils rich in this nutrient be kept in tightly capped containers. It is also highly dependent of vitamin C to keep it in its active form. Best sources of vitamin E include salmon, extra lean meat, plant foods like spinach, mustard greens, sunflower seeds, almonds and oils such as canola, olive, sunflower, safflower and cottonseed.


This micromineral works with other antioxidants to prevent effects of ultraviolet light, thereby your risk for sunburn. In fact, low blood levels of selenium also increase your risk for skin cancer.

Best sources of selenium include tuna, wheat germ, sesame seeds and whole grains.


Another micromineral, zinc helps to maintain collagen and elastin fibres that give skin its firmness, helping to prevent sagging and wrinkles. Not only that but it also links together amino acids that are needed for the formation of collagen - essential in wound healing.

Best sources of zinc include red meats(especially organ meats), seafood, poultry, pork and dairy products.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Glow Diet: Part III

B vitamins

B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, pyridoxine and cobalamin) are essential in order to convert food  into energy for skin metabolism. They also are components of important enzymes that maintain normal skin function such as functioning of the oil-producing glands, which keep skin moist and supple. Its no wonder that  poor intake of almost any B vitamin often lead to dry or scaly skin.

Best sources of B Vitamins 
Poultry, red meat, fish, bananas, whole grains, brewer's yeast, peanut butter and eggs.

Vitamin C

This vitamin also called ascorbic acid I vital for production of collagen -  the underlying supporting structure of skin - as well as it has antioxidant properties. But sun exposure (and stress) can drain vitamin C from the skin, leaving it vulnerable to damage from the environment. Be sure to look for anti-aging creams and sunscreens that contain this potent antioxidant.

Unfortunately, humans are one of the few mammals unable to produce our own vitamin C. So we need to ensure that we get adequate amounts from the foods we eat. Best sources include papaya, sweet peppers, strawberries, broccoli, asparagus, citrus fruits and juices, kiwi, cantaloupe, tomatoes, and green peas.

How to Get the Most From Vitamin C
Vitamin C is extremely sensitive to air, water and temperature. About a quarter of vitamin C content in fruits and vegetables can be lost simply by blanching, freezing and unthawing. Therefore, its best to consume these foods in their fresh and raw state.