Monday, April 23, 2012

The Glow Diet

The Glow Diet: Part I

As much as I would hate to admit it,  I do believe the old adage that “You are what you eat”. The types of food we feed our bodies with not only affects how we feel and how our bodies function but also how we look: specifically speaking, how our skin looks. Yes, there are those rare persons out there that seem to be able to tolerate all the crap they put in their bodies with minimal effects. But for the most part, us “common” have to be a little more careful . Whilst the benefits of eating for better skin may not be immediate, it really does make a difference for both short-term and long-term skin health.
In the this series, I will be featuring must-have nutrients that will help your skin to be as healthy and glowing as it can be. Stay tuned!

Vitamin A

Retinoids, a preform of this fat-soluble vitamin, have been featured in many of the top anti-aging products on the market. That’s because vitamin A is essential for the maintenance and healing of epithelial tissues, with skin being the largest expanse of epithelial tissue. It helps to unclog pores, boost collagen to reduce fine lines, and speed cell turnover to even out discoloration and smooth the skin—sometimes in as little as four weeks.

Best sources of this form of vitamin A can be found in animal products including egg yolks, beef liver, dairy products, tuna, sardines and herring. Some products such as margarine has been fortified with vitamin A.


How to get the Most from Vitamin A

Getting the most from vitamin A isn't as easy as snacking on some carrots. Retinoids (preform 0f vitamin A) can become oxidized or broken down if they’re exposed to oxygen, light, heat and some metals. As mentioned earlier, vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, therefore, if your diet lacks dietary fat, then absorption of this vitamin will be hindered. Absorption is also dependent on protein intake and so your diet must provide enough protein for your daily needs. Zinc is also another nutrient which affect the body’s ability to use this nutrient because zinc is necessary for protein synthesis.

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